Associate Pastor of Students

@ FBC Clay

First Baptist Church - Clay, is a Southern Baptist Church in a small rural community with approximately 120 weekly members and visitors. Our congregation is seeking either a full-time associate pastor of students or bi-vocational student pastor whose main ministry focus will be on middle school, high school, and connecting graduates to the life of the church.

On Wednesdays, we average 105 students between pre-K-12th grade. Over half are middle and high school students. Our volunteers are passionate about students. This is an "already thriving" ministry that needs ministry-focused leadership. It's great opportunity for whomever God selects for us.

We view the associate position as a "pastor" (1 Timothy 3:8-13 & Titus 1:5-9) not a hired-hand. The associate pastor of students will work with, be mentored, and held accountable by the lead pastor, who is 46 years old with 17 years of pastoral ministry experience, in a variety of contexts. There will be opportunities to preach on occasion and will be expected to preach when the lead pastor is away. 

We are seeking a man called to student ministry, not one who views it as a stepping stone. Obviously, God ultimately controls that but a commitment to students is paramount for this position. 

The full-time candidate should be working on a bible-college and/or seminary degree. For the full-time job description, click here:

If God would choose to fill the position through a bi-vocational role, you can view the job description, here:

Pay will be based on education and experience.  

If you have any questions about the position, you can email us at:

Salary Level: Determined on Education and Experience

Approximate Hours Per Week: 40 (full-time) or 20 (bi-vocational)