Here at FBC we are excited about being stewards of what God has placed in our care. He has tasked us with spreading His renown and His glory, so that His glory covers the earth like the waters cover the sea. This year, we celebrate what God has done in and through FBC, but we also commit to being faithful with what he has given us. We have a responsibility to care for those in our congregation, to take the Gospel to those in the community and around the world, to be faithful with the possessions we've been given, such as our building and facilities, and to set a foundation for the church through the teaching of the Word of God.
We need each and every member being faithful so that God can bring about growth. So I ask you to please:
Prayerfully consider where you can serve this upcoming year.
Please fill this out for each member in your family. Click the checkbox next to any ministries that you would like to serve in for the upcoming year.
Fill out the form below, click "submit," and the form will be received by the Pastor Corey.
This year we are asking for all members, including youth and children to sign up as well. We are providing certain ministries for children and youth who are members to serve.