First Baptist Church - Clay is an autonomous local church in cooperation with other autonomous local churches known as the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and; more locally, the Kentucky Baptist Convention (KBC).
All churches in friendly cooperation with the KBC and SBC subscribe to a common statement of faith/beliefs called the “Baptist Faith and Message 2000.” To view the BF&M 2000, click here.
Additionally, First Baptist Church - Clay, seeks to honor Christ and preserve His Church by striving to uphold the following core values:
We value Scripture alone as the final and sufficient authority in all matters of life and doctrine.
We value proclaiming Jesus Christ both locally and globally to the glory of God.
We value expositional preaching of God’s Word as the means for the ongoing edification and reformation of the church.
We value God-centered worship as thoroughly biblical and where true joy is found.
We value God's call for sincere and ongoing prayer, recognizing his promise to answer our prayers in accordance with his will.
We value church membership, which models covenantal care and loving discipleship.
We value equipping every member to serve in meaningful ways in the church's ministry.
We value godly and biblical leadership, as well as lay ministry teams performing various aspects of the work of ministry.
We value biblical marriage, continuing God’s wise and beautiful design in the complementary, life-long covenant relationship between a man and a woman.
We value the family as the first God-ordained unit of care, nurture, and instruction in godliness.
We value the sanctity of human life for all people as created in God’s image, from the very beginning of life to its end.
We value purposeful evangelism as an act of love toward non-Christians, children of our members, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, friends, and anyone with whom we have opportunity to share the gospel.
We value the reconciliation of all people from diverse ethnicities, backgrounds, and life situations through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We value caring for the needs of the people in our community, county, and beyond.
We value sending people out from us for the good of the global Church and the spread of the gospel by sacrificially giving of our time, resources, and people.