Join the Family
Membership Class — Class 101
We’re excited to have you consider FBC Clay as the place you want to belong. Our Membership Class is the place to go to hear about what we believe God is doing in the world, what He is doing at our church, and it also provides us an opportunity to get to know you and your story.
We want to honor your time, so we ask that before the class, you complete some pre-class work and reading.
The class will be broken up into three weeks. Each class lasts roughly an hour.
Week 1 - An introductory discussion on the biblical gospel: God is righteous. Man is not.
Week 2 - The Answer the the problem: Jesus the Savior. Your response to the gospel.
Week 3 - Membership Orientation: Be prepared to discuss your completed membership questionnaire. Baptism and church membership privileges and expectations will be discussed. It’s a great time to get your questions answered.
Week 4 - You will be presented at the end of the Sunday morning worship service as having completed the member process! You will officially affirmed by the church as a church member at the next member’s meeting.
Baptism is intended only for those who have professed faith in Jesus Christ and can give sufficient testimony to the basics of Christian beliefs. We baptize by immersion because it is not only the original significance of the word but also best symbolizes the reality to which baptism points—our death and resurrection in Christ.
If you have not been baptized following salvation, we ask you to take this step before becoming a member. Baptism will be covered in our Membership Class 101.
What’s Next?
After becoming a convent member of FBC Clay, our leaders will work with you on finding a Sunday school class/study group to get plugged into (if not already attending one).
We will also work on helping you discover your particular spiritual gifting and get you plugged into a church ministry.
Our commitment to you is to make you a healthy church member by helping you grow in worship, Word, and service.
You can see a church members expectations here.